Say Hi to CSC104 - OCT 4

Q1: Why did you choose CSC104? What do you hope to get out of the course?
This is my first time taking computer science course. I chose this course for three reasons. First of all, I have a passion for computer science, though I never had an opportunity to take a course and learn more about it. CSC104 is about computational thinking and using Dr. Racket. Nowadays, technological development has been growing at a very fast pace, more and more people need to obtain computing skills and know how to use computer in a convenient way. Secondly, I want to take more computer science courses in the future. It is a good start for me to know how to use a basic computer language. This course also can help me to be able to learn how to compose codes and programming which is the most fundamental prerequisite before taking advanced computer science courses. In addition, I am in the mathematics program. I believe that this course can help me to develop my logic thinking. I hope to learn some basic coding skills which is a good foundation for future computer science courses.

Q2: What did you expect programming to be like, and how does it compare with your experience in the course so far?
I expected picture programming is all about the pictures’ transformation by using computer languages. However, It’s not only like that! At the begging of this course, the professor taught us some knowledge about picture, like how to change the size of pictures. Recently, we also have to change numbers and strings. We use a different kind of language to produce what we need. Each program has their own language. 

Q3: What do you find interesting so far?
I found when I express a code is really like writing a mathematical problem. We need to show intermediate steps in order to understand how to get the final results. It is crucial to know the meaning of each steps to get a correct answer in the end. 
Q4: What do you find hard so far? Is the course easier or harder than you expected?
I think the hardest part is that you need to be careful to remember the code order when you are typing it. I always forget to type a bracket or quotation mark, then it affects you to get the result. Sometimes, the error would be generated and I need to find the reason. I think this course is harder than I expected. The concepts are not difficult to understand, but is a little bit hard to write every step.

Q5: How did you study for the quizzes? Are you satisfied with your performance on them; if not, what do you plan to change?
For preparing the quiz, I usually do the exercises for twice and understand the concepts. I write down my mistakes and summary them. I also run the code step by step in order to know how to get the final result. I am generally satisfied with my performance so far.

Q6: Are there any specific Computer Science topics you’re interested in?
I want to learn more computer science which can help me with my mathematics. I also want to learn the other tools that we can use in our daily life. Data management is more and more useful to arrange my daily life and school work.


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